The only hard thing about the ship is getting your luggage on and off. If you are carrying more than two bags it won't be easy.
The customs entrance went like clock work. It was 15 minutes from ship to taxi. The only bad part was some young guys sharing my cabin left the door unlocked and allowed someone to walk away with one of my bags containing my newly purchased video card for my computer.
Needless to say one of my very first purchases in Korea was a new video card. I had saved all my pennies (or 'fen' as it where) to buy the 512mb card. Now I have to operate on this lowly 256mb card. The guy swears you cannot tell the difference. But I know when I play spades on the computer I can see a slight hint of more lively color with the other card.
Being as this is my first entry on my second day in Korea it seems fitting. I always wished I could have done this earlier (when I was in China the last 3 years). Now I will only have China in the past tense to which I can compare my present.
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